baldoria vermouth cocktail


Turin, Piedmont (TO)

map piedmont italy



Distillates and liqueurs with Alpine flavors and heritage.

When we talk about spirits expressing “terroir,” there’s no better example than the Distilleria Erboristica Alpina, whose fascinating assortment of liqueurs and grappas offer a full immersion in the indigenous plants and cultural traditions of Piedmont’s Val di Susa. This cavernous valley, which runs from the French border up to the doorstep of Turin, is dotted with Alpine peaks, including Mont Chaberton (3,131 meters), the namesake of one of the key brands in the Distilleria Erboristica lineup.

This distillery and fabbrica took its current form in 1977, when several family-run producers in the Turin area decided to band together under one roof.

As such, there are several different brands under the Distilleria Erboristica Alpina umbrella, including what is perhaps their signature product—Genepy Granger, an herb liqueur made from artemisia (wormwood) harvested at 2,000 meters of elevation in the Val di Susa.

In addition to the Granger Genepy, there are also two Genepy bottlings under the Chaberton label, which also includes an assortment of amari and one of the most intriguing local specialties in the Italian Spirits Company portfolio: Bombardino. This creamy golden liqueur, essentially a bottled egg nog with a rum base, is a traditional favorite of skiers and mountaineers across Alpine Italy. Usually served warm, with some whipped cream and maybe a sprinkle of nutmeg or cocoa powder, the Bombardino is poised to take American ski areas by storm!

At the Distilleria Erboristica Alpina headquarters in the Val di Susa, they maintain a collection of antique copper stills and other tools, and, under the direction of Director Maurizio Zara, they have been named “Masters of Taste” by Slow Food and the Turin Chamber of Commerce. Typicity and sustainability are the keywords here, with almost all the raw materials sourced from within the Susa Valley.